Dental Bridges Calgary
We know missing teeth can impact your confidence in your smile. A dental bridge may be your solution if you've got missing teeth. It’s a piece of dental hardware that looks like your teeth, giving you the confidence to show off that smile.
What is a Dental Bridge?
What is a dental bridge? A dental bridge is an artificial tooth sandwiched between two crowns. When you have a missing tooth, a dental bridge is used to give you back the function of your teeth and fill in the gaps left by the missing teeth.
There are four types of dental bridges. First, the traditional dental bridge is two crowns with an artificial tooth in the middle. Second, there is an implant bridge: an implant bridge is used if you are missing multiple teeth in one area of your mouth. The third type of bridge is a resin bridge, often called a Maryland bridge. This type of bridge is used for teeth missing in the front of your mouth. Finally, the fourth bridge is called a Cantilever bridge. This bridge has a crown, similar to the traditional bridge, but that crown is only located on one end.
Why would I need a dental bridge?
A dental bridge has many benefits. In cosmetic dentistry, it restores your smile to its former glory. You have more confidence in showing off your smile without gaps. From a functional standpoint, a dental bridge helps in several ways. When you’re missing teeth, your ability to chew and speak is compromised. The rest of your teeth take up the slack of your missing teeth, causing more wear and tear.
Our team looks at a few factors when assessing whether you need a dental bridge. We’ll consider your age, the number of missing teeth, and the health of your surrounding teeth and gums. If you need a dental bridge but are struggling with the health of your teeth and gums, we’ll hold off on a dental bridge until we’ve gotten your teeth and gums healthy.
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How is a bridge placed?
Placing a dental bridge will depend on what type of bridge you get. For a traditional and cantilever bridge, the area will first be numbed. Once you’re numb, we’ll file down the teeth on either side of where the bridge will be placed. We’ll take a mould of the teeth surrounding the area, then put a temporary bridge. Once your final bridge is finished, we’ll bring you back into the office and install the final bridge. For an implant bridge, it’s a more intensive process. We’ll bring you in for surgery to attach the implant to the jaw. This is done under anesthesia to keep you comfortable. 3-6 months after your surgery, we’ll bring you back in to take impressions from copings (caps that cover the posts). Once the implants are ready, we’ll attach them to the posts. The final step is making sure they fit and cementing them in place.
Maryland bridges are a more straightforward process than implant bridges. Like the other processes, we’ll take impressions of your teeth. We’ll prepare your teeth for the metal wings attached to the back of your teeth. We send you home with a temporary bridge while you wait for the final product. When the implant is ready, we’ll bring you back in. We ensure the teeth fit, then we attach the metal wings of the bridge to the back of your teeth and cement it in place.
How do I take care of my bridge?
Taking care of your bridge is relatively simple. We advise you to treat your dental bridge the same way you would treat your teeth. Keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy is the best way to ensure your bridge lasts as long as possible. Keeping up with your regular check-ups and cleanings also ensures the health of your bridge and gives us a chance to take a look. We will only advise using floss or an interproximal brush under your bridge every day.
How long does a bridge last?
If properly taken care of, a bridge lasts five to fifteen years. This can vary depending on the health of your mouth and lifestyle. We advise all patients with bridges to avoid hard or chewy foods and avoid chewing things like ice, as they can damage the bridge.
How long does it take to recover from an implant?
How long it takes to recover depends on your implant type. An implant bridge can take three to six months for the implant to settle in the jaw and one to two weeks to recover after getting the implants. It takes one to two weeks to get used to and heal the traditional cantilever and Maryland bridges.
Are there factors that would prevent me from getting a dental bridge?
When considering a dental bridge, we’ll look at lifestyle factors that can compromise the health and effectiveness of your bridge. If you smoke, have periodontal disease or have other issues with your oral health, we recommend against a dental bridge. If you want to improve your oral health and make lifestyle changes to support better oral health, we’re here to provide top-notch care.