Root Canal Calgary

No one wants a root canal, but sometimes you need one. When it comes to having a root canal, you want to ensure you've got the right dentist for the job. At Toothcrew, we're here to make your root canal less painful.

A root canal is a procedure done to remove infected or damaged pulp within the tooth. The tooth’s pulp can become infected or damaged through injury or another issue. This procedure is done to maintain the health of your teeth. The procedure is done in the office and within one to two treatments, depending on the state of your teeth.

How is a Root Canal done?

A root canal is not the root canal of the past. With advancements in dental technology, today’s root canal is a relatively painless procedure. A root canal, as stated in the name, targets the root of your tooth.

Your teeth are made up of enamel, dentin and then pulp. The enamel and dentin protect the pulp of your teeth. However, injury, oral health and genetics can play a part in the health of your teeth. The pulp of your tooth contains blood vessels, connective tissue and nerves, making the need for a root canal painfully obvious (literally).

A root canal is a procedure that begins with identifying the tooth or teeth in need of a root canal. Once we have those teeth identified, we’ll put you under anesthesia so the process can be painless for you. While you’re under, we’ll begin the root canal.

While you’re under, we clean out the damaged or infected pulp. Once we have cleaned the tooth, we fill it with a rubber-like material. When the tooth is filled, we seal it with another filling or place a crown over it. We may also suggest a dental bridge for any extensive damage if needed.

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Do I need a Root Canal?

There are a few issues that would warrant a root canal. Infection, gum disease, and injury would require a root canal. If you’re having severe pain in your teeth, infections or abscesses on the gums are signs that a root canal may be needed to preserve your teeth.

If you have gum disease or tooth decay, a root canal is the best option. Cleaning the pulp will ensure the tooth can heal and return to normal. It also means better overall oral health. The worst thing you can do for oral hygiene is leave decay or infection.

It’s best to consult your dentist for any issues with your oral health. Calling the team at Toothcrew is a great way to get started. We’re here to maintain your oral health.

Are Root Canal's Expensive?

The Alberta Dental Association suggests the cost of dental procedures in Alberta. They are recommended prices; other dentists will charge their prices. At Toothcrew, we take the suggested prices of the ADA so we can offer you affordable dental care.

The cost of a root canal will vary depending on how many teeth are affected. You can look up our prices beforehand – we provide a link to the Alberta Dental Fee Guide, or you can call our office. For a root canal, the cost is:

$761.19 – One root canal 

$1,108.48 – Two root canals

$1,296.32 – Three root canals 

Prices will vary depending on the number of affected teeth beyond the three listed. We are happy to work with our patients regarding financing for procedures. We also directly bill your insurance provider for all services we provide.


Healing is unique to each patient, but typically, a root canal will be healed within a few days. There will be numbness and pain after the procedure, but most patients can return to their day without much interruption. We suggest some form of pain management, as things like eating and chewing can be uncomfortable or painful for a few days following the root canal.

A root canal will take 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the damage or infection in the pulp. It can take longer for more extensive damage, or we recommend a second visit to finish the root canal.

A tooth with a root canal and filling can last 20 years. We can check the state of any fillings during your visits. If we see a need for it to be refilled, we will discuss that with you.

We can discuss anesthetic options before the root canal. You have the option of being awake during the procedure. We would administer a local anesthetic to the affected areas to do that. You can also go under for the procedure if that is more comfortable.