Tooth Extractions Calgary
Needing a tooth extraction is nothing new. Teeth can get damaged, injured or begin to decay for any number of reasons. When you need a tooth extracted, Toothcrew Dental is here for you.
What is an Extraction?
Extraction of a tooth involves taking out the tooth. This can be because of injury, damage or decay. Extracting a tooth consists in taking out the entirety of the tooth. Taking out the tooth reduces the risk of any issues in the future. A decaying tooth must come out as it can infect and spread infection to your other teeth.
A damaged or injured tooth will cause pain and discomfort. It’s also at risk for infection, so the tooth needs to be removed. We will perform an extraction procedure when the tooth is beyond repair.
The Process
We’ll go over the procedure when you come in for an extraction. Our team is experienced and is here to make you as comfortable as possible during the procedure. Once you have been briefed on the process, we’ll begin.
First, we’ll make sure you’re numb. We want to make this procedure as painless as possible for you. If you’re nervous, we can also provide sedation for this procedure. After we’ve ensured you’re numb, we’ll get into the procedure.
Our dentist will look at the tooth and then remove the tooth with a specialized tool. This tool grasps the tooth so it can be removed from its socket. Depending on the tooth’s condition, it may split or not come out in one piece. If this happens, the dentist will return and remove the rest of the tooth.
It’s normal to feel some tugging as the tooth is removed. Once the tooth is out, we’ll ensure the site is clean. We’ll stitch it up; we will use dissolving stitches for most dental procedures, so you don’t need to return and get them out.
After you’re stitched up, we’ll put gauze over the wound to help clotting. Clotting is the best way for your wound to heal. After an extraction, we’ll want to ensure that your gums and tissues heal and that no root is exposed. If there is root exposure, it can cause severe pain.
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Aftercare for an Extraction
The aftercare for an extraction is simple. We'll place gauze over the wound to ensure clotting. Expect the extraction site to bleed for a day after the surgery as your body begins to heal. The numbing from the procedure will wear off after a few hours. We advise you to keep up on pain management. You can manage the pain with over-the-counter medications, or we will prescribe you pain medication.Twenty-four hours after your surgery, we advise gently rinsing with salt water several times daily for the next week. This will keep the wound clean and help with healing. Avoid using straws, as they can mess with the stitches. Put an icepack on to reduce swelling, and eat soft foods or soup to avoid putting any pressure on the wound. It's also best to avoid touching the area and not smoke or use nicotine products for 24 hours after the procedure.
Why are extractions important?
Extraction allows your mouth to maintain its overall health. Teeth that aren't healthy can attract infection and migrate to the rest of your teeth. If a decaying or damaged tooth is kept in your mouth, your teeth and gums will be affected by infection.
Keeping your mouth healthy will positively affect the rest of your body. Healthy teeth and gums are an indicator of positive health in the body. When you have an infected, damaged or decaying tooth, this can put your jawbone at risk for infection. A bone infection is more serious and will be a more extensive procedure. It will also increase the healing time of the wound.
How long does an extraction take to heal?
A single extraction usually takes seven days to heal. If you've had multiple extractions, it can take up to 3 weeks to heal as there is more trauma for the body to deal with. To help your body heal, keep the wound clean, have only soft foods and rinse with salt water several times a day for the first 3-5 days after the procedure. Keeping a wound clean will help you heal.
Can you extract multiple teeth at once?
Yes, you can. However, the issue with multiple extractions is a longer healing time. The more trauma you have in your mouth, the longer the body will take to heal.