Sedation Dentistry Calgary

We know that not everyone likes coming to the dentist. There is anxiety surrounding the entire process of coming to the dentist. Whether it's the sounds or a fear of pain, we understand. That's why at Toothcrew, we're here to provide sedation dentistry.

Dental anxiety is nothing to be embarrassed about; we know many of our patients have it. At Toothcrew, we do our best to make you comfortable. We designed our office to be a calming space; our goal is to make a visit to the dentist a good experience. Our job is to give you compassionate dental care so you'll keep coming back.

Sedation dentistry is exactly what it sounds like; we ensure you are sedated for your appointment. When you come to see us, we’ll discuss the options for sedation dentistry so you can have a great experience. We can provide sedation dentistry for several procedures, from root canals to regular cleaning. We’re happy to discuss your options and work with you to help lessen your anxiety around a dental visit.  

Is sedation dentistry an option for me?

Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for patients who have high anxiety levels around a dental visit. This can stem from bad experiences at the dentist, issues with the sights and sounds of a dental office, or issues with people in your space. At Toothcrew, we pride ourselves on having a compassionate team of dentists and hygienists who will work with you to alleviate your anxiety.


Dental sedation is an excellent option for patients who fear the dentist, tooth sensitivity, or low pain tolerance. We also recommend dental sedation for patients undergoing any procedure. We suggest calling our office; our staff is happy to answer any questions you have about sedation dentistry.


When it comes to sedation, we’ll look at several factors. Your overall health, any underlying conditions, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your age and what type of procedure we will perform. We know not everyone responds to sedation the same, and sometimes, it may not be recommended. We want you to have a great experience with us, so we’ll look at your overall health to see if sedation dentistry is a good option.  

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How does it work?

We aim to make you comfortable when you come in for your appointment. Our staff understands the anxiety behind a dental visit. We’ll walk you through the process when you get to our office. Whether you’re getting a regular cleaning or in for something more extensive, our team is happy to sit down with you and answer any questions.

After you’re informed of the process, we’ll give you some options for sedation. We provide intravenous (IV), gas and oral sedation options for our patients. We recommend fasting for 6-8 hours before your procedure, as the sedatives can make you nauseous. When you choose the sedation option you would like, we’ll administer it.

Dental sedatives don’t put you under but put you in a much more relaxed state. The goal is to keep you comfortable during your time in our chair. You can respond to questions, and we will monitor your entire appointment to ensure the sedative is doing its job. It’s not uncommon for you to forget your time in the chair; it can be a side effect of the dental sedative.

After we’ve finished, we’ll ensure you are taken care of. For any appointments where you will be getting a sedative, you need someone to drive you to and from. We recommend taking the day off from work or school and not operating a vehicle or heavy machinery for at least 24 hours after your appointment.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry has several benefits if you don't like visiting the dentist.

Sedation dentistry offers an anxiety-free experience. Your comfort is our priority, so we're here to ensure a good experience. Removing the anxiety from your dental visit means we can do our job and maintain your oral health while letting you relax.

Sedation dentistry means less pain for you. When we administer the sedative, we make sure that you are numbed before we begin the procedure. Pain is the scariest part of a dental appointment, so removing the pain aspect is a priority. With sedation, the most you should feel is pressure during any dental procedure.

Sedation can play tricks on your memory. Most patients don't remember what happens in the chair during their appointment. Reliving past experiences is what makes anxiety worse. So, when you come in for a sedation appointment, we'll make sure you're relaxed so you can have less fear surrounding your visits with us.