Teeth Whitening Calgary

Having a bright smile is a confidence booster. Your smile is the first thing people see. At Toothcrew, we want you to show off your beautiful smile.

Many products on the market promise whiter teeth, and they can help. However, at Toothcrew, we look at the overall health of your teeth before we talk about whitening.

Our teeth become stained for several reasons: what we eat and drink and the health of our teeth can affect the colour. Things like smoking, drinking red wine and other foods and beverages impact the whiteness of our teeth.

There are a few processes that can be used to whiten teeth. The most common that people think of are teeth whitening kits you can get at the drugstore or off the internet. We have a stronger process when you come to your dentist’s office for cosmetic dentistry procedures like teeth whitening.

Is Teeth Whitening For Me?

How can you tell if you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening? When you come in, we’ll go through your oral health history. The best candidates for teeth whitening are patients with healthy gums, healthy teeth and no fillings.

 We would not recommend teeth whitening for patients with a history of tooth sensitivity as teeth whitening can be uncomfortable. Patients with receding gums, fillings or defective dental work are also poor candidates for teeth whitening. Those under 18, anyone pregnant or breastfeeding, or anyone with allergies to the products used in teeth whitening would do best to avoid the procedure. If you want to pursue teeth whitening but fall into one of these categories, it’s important to consult our dentists, who are here to recommend what would be best for you.

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Our Process

When you come in to get your teeth whitened at Toothcrew, we’ll want a good look at your overall oral health. We don’t start you with teeth whitening; we want a complete picture to give you the best experience. We know your smile matters to you, so we’ll do our best to handle it.

Before we discuss teeth whitening, we begin with an exam. We want to know the state of your oral health, how your teeth are, and if teeth whitening is a good option for you. After we do our exam, we’ll discuss whether or not you should pursue teeth whitening.

Patients with sensitive teeth and exposed root or gum issues would not be good candidates for teeth whitening. We’ll also want to know your lifestyle, such as if you smoke or are a daily coffee drinker. Food and drink can affect your teeth’s colour, and the whitening may be less effective.

Once we’ve gone over your history and oral health and decided that teeth whitening is a good option for you, we’ll discuss the process. Before whitening your teeth, we’ll need to clean them well. This will help the whitening process, so we’ll schedule you to come 5-7 days before your teeth whitening appointment for a cleaning.

After cleaning your teeth, we’ll bring you back for your teeth whitening appointment. When you come in for a teeth whitening, we’ll get you comfy in our chair and walk you through the process again. Once you’re good with the steps, we’ll get started.

First, we will protect your gums. Then, we’ll apply the whitening agent to your teeth. After the solution is on your teeth, we set you up under the UV light. We like to do the whitening in intervals so you get the best result and are comfortable while it’s happening. After you’re done, we’ll compare where you started with where you are now. We’re here to make your smile shine bright.

How can I keep my smile whiter after I leave the office?

There are ways to keep your smile white between visits. First, we recommend changes in food and drink to help preserve your bright smile. We also recommend limiting or quitting smoking if you do; this helps your smile and your overall oral health. If you would like to keep up with whitening treatments, our team can help. Our dentists can recommend or send you home with whitening trays and gel so you can do teeth whitening at home. We like to remind our patients that teeth whitening is a process; we can help brighten your smile, but also remember that things like the makeup of your teeth and the stains on them can affect how much the teeth will whiten. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call.